These summer holidays I've been very busy. I want to pass my driving exam this year so I've been going the months of July and August to Molvízar almost everyday. In fact, Molvízar has become something like my second town, I know all streets and I talk with many people from there. Nonetheless, I haven't only been in Molvízar, all years my parents, my brother and I go to our cottage in Itrabo. There, we have a big swimming pool and we also have a big country house. That's very pleasant, because there is no noise, traffic jams, pollution,.... it's in the middle of the countryside so you can relax and think about your life calmly.
Talking about my summer holidays, the days I've enjoyed the most were in Carchuna's parties and I'm Molvízar's parties. I stayed at my friend's house during three or four days and we had much fun. Although I went to many parties, I spent most of the summer with only one friend in Itrabo. That's the main reason why not all people you speak to want to be with you in their lives. This sounds a bit sad, but I'm very happy of my summer :).
Concluding, in summer you can do all things you want and you have lot of time for them so I also want to say that I've advanced in this school year doing comments and works for my English teacher because I want to be more relaxed this school year with English.
Joaquín España 2ºBACH
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