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viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

Diabetes, a rising disease

Listening exercise to do: Why is the disease diabetes on the rise? (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

Related articles to read about the issue and some other eating disorders:

Do you really know what the word 'time' means? Here are nine of its many uses (BBC Learning English). Can you tell me any more you know?


Episode 160706 / 06 July 2016   >>>  Expressions presented: on such a scale, judgement, on record, loggers & orbiting.

Read about Juno spacecraft orbiting around Jupiter.

Don't leave it for tomorrow!!! Start now and you'll be ready for next school year.

Here I present a record of all the comments and projects made by our students during the summer time.


Andrea Gutiérrez (4º ESO B)-5
Alex España (4º ESO B) -6
Ariadna López (4º ESO A) - 1
Joaquín García (4º ESO B) - Project on A Foreigner in Britain

Have a look at the PROJECT done by Joaquín García on the reader A Foreigner in Britain.

Why do people (especially students) tend to procrastinate everything they have to do? What does this word mean? Here's a good listening exercise to do: Get on with it!  (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

Important piece of news for my students in 1º Bachillerato next year   >>>   Have a look in my site at Notes on grammatical issues (1º Bach) and you'll find the exercises will be doing next year, apart from most useful notes on the uses of TENSES & MODAL VERBS:        


Remember that in NOTES ON GRAMMATICAL ISSUES (2º Bach) you can have a look at the following issues (I give you the links to some useful exercises to do all along the school year):

a. Comparatives and superlatives    (EXERCISES TO DO)  

b. Passive voice    (EXERCISES TO DO)  

c. Conditional sentences    (EXERCISES TO DO)  

d. Relative Clauses    (EXERCISES TO DO)  

e. Reported Speech    (EXERCISES TO DO)  

Have a look at the picture on the right and give me a synonym for 'supposed to'. Remember to revise the modal verbs. Can you rewrite the sentence using the modal verb.




Whenever you are eating something or that you have a plastic bag in your hands, please drop it into a litter bin and make people realise how important this is as PLASTIC IS THE BIGGEST THREAT FOR OUR MEDITERRANEAN SEA.


Articles to read:

 And remember this previous post in this blog:

Tsunami in Japan and four years later... debris found in US coasts, JUST AMAZING!!! 


ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION  >>>  A Massive Let’s Do It! Cleaning up the Mediterranean Coast 

Listening exercise to do: Is the Great Barrier Reef under threat? (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English) Where is it?

Common mistakes with comparatives and superlatives adjectives and adverbs: interesting Anglo-Link lesson.


Episode 160727 / 27 July 2016   >>>  Expressions presented: breaking through, elluded, blazes & prematurely.

Try to compile the most interesting words you have come across in all the articles read in this post.

Summer time is a time to let people off the hook

What does the expression 'off the hook' mean? Have a look at this interesting The English We Speak programme.

So what do people do instead? They relax and ....

Pokémon Go: five tricks for pro players that are almost as good as cheats (The Guardian)

Pokemon and the power of nostalgia (BBC News)


This latest madness may be ok for some time, but it becomes a problem if it turns into an obssession and you spend (or waste) too much of your time instead of reading, playing with your friends or going out. Here is an article about it:

The top five most crazy stories about Pokemon Go ... so far (The Irish Times)

Listening exercise to do: Dealing with boredom (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

Children should be allowed to get bored, expert says (BBC News)


martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

Oh, my God!!! July is nearly over!!!

Yes, when we are on holiday and we are having a good time, time really flies away!!!

Listening exercise to do: Are we there yet? (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

What have you done so far this summer? I hope you are having a good time, but that you are getting ready for the next school year. Here are some hints for your holidays:

The Châteaux of the Loire Valley   (what's interesting about the château Le Clos de Lucé?)


Oviedo, the capital city of the Principality of Asturia

    Two incredible natural landscapes in León: Las Médulas y Los Ancares ( palloza )

Why are Las Medulas known for? Who was responsible for this?


Episode 160720 / 20 July 2016   >>>  Expressions presented: candidate, damning & trend.