Andrea Gutiérrez (4º ESO B)-5
Alex España (4º ESO B) -6
Ariadna López (4º ESO A) - 1Joaquín García (4º ESO B) - Project on A Foreigner in Britain
Have a look at the PROJECT done by Joaquín García on the reader A Foreigner in Britain.
do people (especially students) tend to procrastinate everything they
have to do? What does this word mean? Here's a good listening exercise
to do: Get on with it! (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
Important piece of news for my students in 1º Bachillerato next year >>> Have a look in my site at Notes on grammatical issues (1º Bach) and you'll find the exercises will be doing next year, apart from most useful notes on the uses of TENSES & MODAL VERBS:
Remember that in NOTES ON GRAMMATICAL ISSUES (2º Bach) you can have a look at the following issues (I give you the links to some useful exercises to do all along the school year):
a. Comparatives and superlatives (EXERCISES TO DO)
c. Conditional sentences (EXERCISES TO DO)
d. Relative Clauses (EXERCISES TO DO)
e. Reported Speech (EXERCISES TO DO)
Have a look at the picture on the right and give me a synonym for 'supposed to'. Remember to revise the modal verbs. Can you rewrite the sentence using the modal verb.
Episode 160629 / 29 June 2016 >>> Expressions presented: propaganda, urged & distinguished.
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ResponderEliminarWell, I have searched on internet the expression "Don't leave it for tomorrow" and it means that it's better to do things at the moment and not later. I was asking for the meaning of the word "Procasticate", which means "To postpone".
ResponderEliminarNow I'm going to talk about some things students usually do. I reckon that we are on holidays, but I also think in summer we must do things. Students tend to procrastinate almost everything that they can do later. It isn't a good idea because perhaps later they must do many more things than in this moment. There is another reason that is very common, students are young people and many times they say that their obligations are: going out with their frinds, going to the beach, going to parties or simply resting.
In my opinion it's better to do things right now if you can. I prefer doing things in the summer because I have more free time and as I haven't got much time during the school year. In conclusion: Don't procrastinate and work more!! :)
Joaquín Alejandro España Sánchez