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viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

My friend Francisco (Composition Unit 1)

          I'm going to write about my friend Francisco. We've known each other since 2006 when we went to the primary school in Itrabo, so we're close friends. I'm going to describe him because he's my best and I can always count on him.

          Regarding his appearance, my friend Francisco has been going to the same class as me since he was six. Now, he's sixteen years old, and he's fairly tall.Actually, he has been growing taller and taller all  these years. He's slim, and he's got long dark hair and brown eyes. Everyone says he is very thim, although I think he's fine.

          Francisco is quite funny and friendly, he is always making me laugh. Moreover, he is very active and hard-working. In fact, he is always doing something and he really likes playing football. I think Francisco prefers playing football to studying because many times he is playing football when he should be studying. However, he plays football brilliantly. Two years ago, he scoored the most goals for our team.

          Although Francisco and I are very different we get on really well. We hardly ever have arguments. All in all, I think Francisco is the best friend in the world. Everyone should have a friend like him.

Joaquín Alejandro España Sánchez 1ºA Bachillerato

Alone or with company???

There are certain moments in life when one really enjoys solitude (especially, teachers, who are always in crowded and noisy places), but there are also great moments we love sharing with people (like our study trips to the British-Irish Isles).

Here's an incredible video about the Scottish mountain-biker Danny Macaskill in the Isle of Skye. Enjoy the gorgeous Scottish landscapes that this year I would like to share with my students:

And here's another one: Danny MacAskill’s Wee Day Out  (Enjoy Scottish landscape!!)

Two listening exercises to do: "Is loneliness in our genes?" (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English). However, to begin with, you have to know yourself: "Who do you think you are?" (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

Article to read:

All by myself: is loneliness bad for you? (The Guardian)

And here's another one:

What's the difference between being lonely and a loner? (BBC News)


Episode 161012 / 12 October 2016   >>>  Expressions presented: destabalise, appetite, limiting the damage & nudge.

English with Lucy >>>>

New Series >>>> English at university: Just landed (episode 2)

A final question before ending: How do you know you're real? Interesting video about it to think about it:


viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

Your interests (Starter Unit)

                                                                                                            23, Hamilton Street
                                                                                                                  Oxford  N6W8F
                                                                                             Itrabo, 25th September, 2016

Hi, John
How are you? I hope you're well. What interests did you have this summer? Now, I'm going to tell you about my interests.

One of my main interests has been the music. I like both playing an instrument such as the trumpet or the saxo and listening to music. I'm in the school music and, moreover, I play in a band. On Fridays, I really enjoyed playing the trumpet in my band because it was very relaxing. I also liked listening to music in my car with my dad when we were going to Almuñécar. We turned up the volume to maximum and it was really funny. I think music was the best.

My other interests have been football and karate. Doing sport is completely different from music, but it's good fun too. Every year, I take karate classes in July. This year, I've been one month of the summer in karate. However, I've played football many times with my friends. I've spent a really good time.

I've had lot of different interests, so I haven't been bored. However, my favourite hobby has been music. How about you? What interests have you had this summer? Are you ready to come back to school?