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sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017

Laughing or not laughing? That is the question.

The action of laughing is something natural and normal for humans. We don't know exactly why we laugh, but most times it isn't produced by a joke, it's a reflex act that we do unconsciously. Moreover, we are very lucky because it's free and it doesn't make us do a big effort. Let's talk something about it.

Studies of numerous universities have tested that we laugh about seven times every ten minutes when we are talking with someone. However, there is controverial with this theme because some studies say that laughing is like a medicine which increases the level of natural killer cells and reduce the level of cortisol in our blood flow. Ancient studies said that the force of laughing could dislocate jaws, prompt asthma attacks, cause headaches, make hernias protrude and that could provoke cardiac arrhythmia, syncope or even emphysema. Nowadays, new studies have shown these statements were too exaggerated.

From my point of view, I think laughing is extremely good for your health, it reduces the level of stress and it makes your life easier to face. That's the main reason I try to smile and laugh as much as I can. I'm almost all the time smiling and I laugh a lot with my reduced group of friends.

Joaquín Alejandro España Sánchez 2ºBACH

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