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martes, 11 de julio de 2017

Do you trust first impressions?

Do you trust first impressions or do you need more time to get to know a person and then decide what kind of relationship you are going to have with him/her?

Listening exercise to do: Faces and first impressions (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)


Which verb does the adjective 'trustworthy' come from? What does it mean?   


What does the expression 'to go with your gut' mean?



Article to read about the issue:

First Impressions: what can babies see? (The Guardian)



What does 'a drill' mean? It has got mainly two meanings. Here's one from the point of view of teachers:  DRILLING TECHNIQUE (The teachers' room, BBC Learning English)

1 comentario:

  1. Should we rely on first impressions or should we need more time to get to know a person? Some people only focus on first impressions and others must have more time to get to know the personality of the person. In the working world it is very important to have a good impression in the job interview. Employers may focus on tattoos, piercings, clothes you wear, hairstyle, .... if you want to have a good first impression, you shouldn't have all these things....

    Nowadays, there are many programs in which first impressions are important. For example, there is a dating program called "First Dates", where people go to a restaurant for dinner while they get to know each other. Another program is "Women and Men and Vice Versa", in this program there are two men or two women that are woo by men or women. In this program first impressions have much importance.

    From my point of view, first impressions haven't got more importance than getting to know a person. I think you must get to know a person to know what is his or her personality, his or her likes, hobbies,.....etc. You can't judge a person by his impression. I think our society is very keen on stereotypes and they don't have a good view of people's appearances.

    Joaquín España. 2ºBACH
